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The Cherry on the Cake

There is only one cherry on the cake.

I wonder who gets to eat it.

Is it the hungriest person on the table? The one that is always eager to try new experiences in life, without really chewing them properly? The one that eats too fast to even enjoy what he is tasting?

Maybe it's the skinniest woman at the bar. She seems too thin to be happy. But then again, she would probably count how many calories are in a caramelised cherry and get even more depressed.

Should it be the person who's having the birthday cake for his birthday, that should have the cherry? Maybe not: he already gets to blow the candles.

In cake situations-like in life- the person that should get the cherry is the person that wants the cherry more than anyone else.

The one that sees the truth in the detail. The one that never cared about the cake, never even saw the cake, but was only looking at the cherry. That little, shiny, piece of fruit, effortlessly dominating a mountain of whipped cream too hard to digest.

The cherry should go to the person that seeks the poetry, the meaning, the momentum behind the cherry.

A little piece of heaven whose taste will only last a few seconds, but will leave forever on your tongue buds.

And I am definitely a cherry person.I am too old to blow candles.

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