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La cuenta porfavor

Talking of restaurants, we know what we are in for. If it's Italian, we can expect to eat pizza. If we decide to go Chinese, we are probably going to be served noodles and dumplings. It's in the name: Sushi. We are getting raw fish. Also, the menus meticulously describe the dishes we can choose from. We know from the beginning what we are about to eat.

Yet somehow, like we do in relationships, we end up expecting something more.

At the end of the meal we ask for the “bill.” Or the “cheque”. Or the “conto”. Which, ironically, in every language of the world, seems to be some kind of reward.

Are we really getting a “banknote”? Are they going to write us a “bank cheque”? Are we going to be served a new “bank account”? At this point we certainly hope so.

Like in love, we evaluate our performance and we believe we did so well. Of course he is going to love me. Marry me. Adore me for the rest of his life. Move to Mexico and open a surf school with me. Buy a golden retriever and make love to me every day in front of a fireplace.

At this point, we are expecting a million dollar "cheque".

It's a common mistake that can only lead to disappointment.

Let's remember that we go to that restaurant to eat what’s on the menu.

The reward lies in the tasting. Happiness lies in the journey. The 'bank cheques' lie in every bite we take of that delicious food we craved.

We are not getting any banknote at the end of the meal, you know. Truth is, most of the times, we will actually pay for it.

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