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The juice of life

I learnt it fast. I learnt it from a very young age. The patients used to call home and I would pick up the phone and chat to them. They told me their story like they had reached the last chapter. So many voices which were gone in a few weeks. I learnt then, that life is like a phone call one day you stop making. Here you were, lovely friend, looking perfectly healthy, tanned and happy, while cancer had already the best of you. It was all over your body yet it was wearing a mask. Like Death dressed as Life. But you beat it. You beat it with juices. They told you the only way out was to starve the devil by stop feeding him meat and pasta. As if the devil had some kind of culinary preference. In this crazy restaurant where people are served their last meals, you sticked to liquid veggies and fruit. You starved cancer and it died. It might be magic. It might be luck. Or it might be that I need to stop writing about solid foods, just for a little while.

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